De-novo Genome Assembly#
In this practical we will perform the assembly of Klebsiella pneumoniae, using the reads that we have trimmed in the previous Quality Control tutorial.
Prepare our computing environment#
We will first run the appropriate srun
command to book the computing cores (cpus) on the cluster.
You need to ask the teacher which partition to use !
srun -p SELECTED_PARTITION --cpus-per-task 2 --pty bash -i
You are now on a computing node, with computing 2 cpus reserved for you. That way, you can run commands interactively.
If you want to exit the srun
interactive mode, press CTRL+D or type exit
Getting the data#
We have trimmed the raw short-reads in the previous step of the training, so we will now assemble them into longer sequences called contigs.
Find your 2 fastq files containing the trimmed reads.
cd results
ls -l
How many reads are in the files?
De-novo assembly#
We will be using the SPAdes assembler to assemble our bacterium
module load bioinfo/SPAdes/3.15.3 -1 K2_Illu_R1_trimmed.fastq -2 K2_Illu_R2_trimmed.fastq -o K2_spades_assembly -t 4 --isolate
This will take some time...
Because we know that this will take quite some time, we better put the command in a SLURM script that we can sbatch
In that way, we can log out and come back later, the job will keep running.
You can prepare the script
, this is an example to help you.
You need to ask the teacher which partition to use !
#SBATCH --job-name=spades
#SBATCH --output=%x.%j.out
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task 4
#SBATCH --time=24:00:00
#SBATCH --mail-type=FAIL,END
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4G
module load bioinfo/SPAdes/3.15.3 -1 K2_Illu_R1_trimmed.fastq -2 K2_Illu_R2_trimmed.fastq -o K2_spades_assembly -t 4 --isolate
When you think that your script is ready, you can run the job with SLURM using this command (exit the srun
if it is still active):
Then check that your script is "Running" by typing:
## to see only your jobs, select the user
squeue -u your_login
Be careful and put the correct name in "your_login".
The result of the assembly is in the directory K2_spades_assembly
under the name scaffolds.fasta
First, have a look of the SPAdes output directory.
what are the different files there?
Check the assembly graph (gfa file) with Bandage => you will need to use the scp
command from your computer.
We have made it available, you can get the graph file by typing (when you are on the appropriate node):
cp /scratch/genesys_training/files/... .
Let's make a link of the file containing the assembled scaffolds
ln -s K2_spades_assembly/scaffolds.fasta K2_spades_scaffolds.fasta
and look at it
head K2_spades_scaffolds.fasta
Quality of the Assembly#
QUAST is a software evaluating the quality of genome assemblies by computing various metrics, including
Run Quast on your assembly (type the srun command first if this is not done already)
module load bioinfo/quast/5.0.2
module load bioinfo/bedtools/2.30.0
module load bioinfo/minimap2/2.24 -o K2_spades_quast -t 2 --conserved-genes-finding --gene-finding \
--pe1 K2_Illu_R1_trimmed.fastq --pe2 K2_Illu_R2_trimmed.fastq K2_spades_scaffolds.fasta
and take a look at the text report
cat K2_spades_quast/report.txt
You should see something like
Assembly K2_spades_scaffolds
# contigs (>= 0 bp) 3392
# contigs (>= 1000 bp) 447
# contigs (>= 5000 bp) 46
# contigs (>= 10000 bp) 40
# contigs (>= 25000 bp) 24
# contigs (>= 50000 bp) 19
Total length (>= 0 bp) 7774823
Total length (>= 1000 bp) 6044278
Total length (>= 5000 bp) 5470941
Total length (>= 10000 bp) 5428782
Total length (>= 25000 bp) 5151491
Total length (>= 50000 bp) 4973703
# contigs 2408
Largest contig 815843
Total length 7335510
GC (%) 57.04
N50 252444
N75 3008
L50 9
L75 55
# total reads 1129033
# left 559060
# right 559060
Mapped (%) 99.46
Properly paired (%) 98.12
Avg. coverage depth 35
Coverage >= 1x (%) 100.0
# N's per 100 kbp 0.00
which is a summary stats about our assembly.
Additionally, the file K2_spades_quast/report.html
You can either download it and open it in your own web browser, or we make it available for your convenience:
How well does the assembly total consensus size and coverage correspond to your earlier estimation?
How many contigs in total did the assembly produce?
What is the N50 of the assembly? What does this mean?
Assembly Completeness#
Although quast output a range of metric to assess how contiguous our assembly is, having a long N50 does not guarantee a good assembly: it could be riddled by misassemblies!
We will run busco
to try to find marker genes in our assembly. Marker genes are conserved across a range of species and finding intact conserved genes in our assembly would be a good indication of its quality
First we need to check if the bacterial datasets are available for busco
and which ones are available
module load bioinfo/BUSCO/5.2.2
busco --list-datasets
Which dataset should we select?
then we can run busco
busco -i K2_spades_scaffolds.fasta -o K2_spades_busco --mode genome --lineage_dataset enterobacterales_odb10
How many marker genes has busco
Course literature#
Course literature for today is:
- Next-Generation Sequence Assembly: Four Stages of Data Processing and Computational Challenges: