i-Trop cluster#

Architecture of the i-Trop cluster#

The IRD Bioinformatic Cluster is composed of a pool of machines reachable through a single entry point. The connections to the internal machines are managed by a master node that tries to ensure that proper balancing is made across the available nodes at a given moment: bioinfo-master.ird.fr

The cluster is composed of:

Here is the architecture

Connect to the cluster via ssh#

Open the terminal application and type the following command:

ssh login@bioinfo-master.ird.fr

with login: your cluster account

First connection:

Your password has to be changed at your first connection.

“Mot de passe UNIX (actuel)”: you are asked to type the password provided in the account creation email.

Connect to a node in interactive mode and launch commands:#

To connect to a node in interactive mode for X minutes, use the following command:

srun -p short --time=X:00 --pty bash -i

Then you can launch on this node without using the srun prefix srun Then type your new password twice.

The session will be automatically closed.

You will need to open a new session with your new password.

Explore the cluster#

The list of nodes in the cluster:

sinfo -N nodes

Choose a partition#

short partition: short Jobs < 1 day

normal partition: job of maximum 7 days

long partition: 7 days< jobs < 45 days

highmem partition: jobs with more memory needs

highmemplus partition: jobs with more memory needs

supermem partition: jobs with much more memory needs

gpu partition: need of analyses on GPU cores

Choose node5 (highmemplus partition):#

srun -p highmemplus --nodelist=node5 --pty bash -i

Data location#

All the data used in this training can be found in the scratch space of node5.

ls /scratch/genesys_training/

Launching a program on the cluster#

List the program already installed on the cluster:#

module avail

Display the description of a particular software#

module whatis module_type/module_name/version

with module_type: bioinfo or system with module_name: the name of the module.

For example : for the version 1.7 of the bioinformatic software samtools:

module whatis bioinfo/samtools/1.7

Load a particular software version#

module load module_type/module_name/version

with module_type: bioinfo or system with module_name: the name of the module.

For example : for the version 1.7 of the bioinformatic software samtools:

module load bioinfo/samtools/1.7

Unload a particular software version#

module unload module_type/module_name/version

with module_type: bioinfo or system with module_name: the name of the module.

For example : for the version 1.7 of the bioinformatic software samtools:

module unload bioinfo/samtools/1.7

Display all the modules loaded#

module list

unload all the modules loaded#

module unload

Launch a job#

A job can be launched interactively using srun or via a script using sbatch

Lauch an interactive job#

Connect to a node in interactive mode and launch commands:#

To connect to a node in interactive mode for X minutes , use the following command :

srun -p short --time=X:00 --pty bash -i

Then you can launch on this node without using the srun prefix srun

Launching commands from the master#

The following command allocate computing resources ( nodes, memory, cores) and immediately launch the command on each allocate resource.

srun + command


module load bioinfo/FastQC/0.11.9
srun -p highmemplus --nodelist=node5 fastqc -t 2 K1_MinION.fastq.gz

Launching jobs via a script#

The batch mode allows to launch an analysis by following the steps described into a script

Slurm allows to use different types of scripts such as bash, perl or python.

Slurm allocates the desired computing resources and launch analyses on these resources in background.

To be interpreted by Slurm, the script should contain a specific header with all the keyword #SBATCH to precise the Slurm options. .

Slurm script example:

## Define job's name
#SBATCH --job-name=flye
## Define the number of tasks
#SBATCH --ntasks=1
## Choose the node
#SBATCH --nodelist=node11
## Choose partition
#SBATCH --partition=long
#Define the timelimit
#SBATCH --time=400:00:00
## Define the number of cpus
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8
## Define the amount of ram per cpu
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=6000

To launch an analysis use the following command:

sbatch script.sh

with script.sh the name of the script to use.

Check job status#

sacct -S 2020-11-2 -u galal --format=jobid,jobname,user,submit,start,end,state,NNodes,CPUTimeRAW,comment,Timelimit,TotalCPU,CPUTime,MaxDiskWrite,NodeList

For checking all the jobs launched on the cluster:


For checking all the jobs of a certain user:

squeue -u username